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  1. **灵活性与成本效益**:缘通租赁提供短期租赁服务,无需客户承担高昂的初期投资成本,且可根据实际需求灵活调整租赁期限,大大降低了财务风险。

  2. **专业技术支持**:我们拥有一支经验丰富的技术团队,从设备安装调试到后期维护,全程提供专业指导与服务,确保设备稳定运行。

  3. **高效人脸识别技术**:我们的双向人脸识别闸机采用先进的人脸识别算法,识别速度快、准确率高,即便在复杂光线环境下也能有效识别,大大提升了通行效率。

  4. **定制化服务**:根据购物中心的具体需求,我们提供了定制化的闸机外观设计与功能配置,确保与购物中心的整体风格相协调,同时满足特定的安全管理要求。



  - **通行效率大幅提升**:顾客只需简单刷脸即可快速通过,大大缩短了排队等待时间,提升了顾客满意度。

  - **安全管理得到加强**:系统能够自动识别并记录每位进出人员的身份信息,有效防止了非法入侵,为购物中心的安全管理提供了有力保障。

  - **数据可视化分析**:我们提供的后台管理系统,让购物中心管理层能够实时查看人流数据,为后续的运营决策提供了科学依据。






  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Two-way Face Recognition Gate Rental in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province**

  In Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, with its rich history, the integration of technology and security has gradually made intelligent equipment a standard feature in public places. Recently, a well-known shopping mall in Hanzhong decided to introduce an advanced two-way face recognition gate system. Considering the temporary nature of the project and cost-effectiveness, the shopping mall chose to cooperate with us, Yuantong Rental, for short-term rental services. Below, we will share this successful case in detail, demonstrating how our two-way face recognition gates delivered significant results for the client in a short period.

  **Project Background**

  As a landmark building in the city, this shopping mall in Hanzhong experiences a huge daily flow of customers, especially during holidays and promotional events. Traditional manual ticket checking or access control systems were no longer able to meet the demands of efficient and secure management, especially in the context of normalized epidemic prevention and control. After market research and comparison, the malls management decided to introduce two-way face recognition gates to enhance security management efficiency through technological means while optimizing customer entry and exit experiences.

  **Reasons for Choosing Yuantong Rental**

  Among the numerous suppliers in the market, why did the shopping mall ultimately choose Yuantong Rental? The main reasons are as follows:

  1. **Flexibility and Cost-effectiveness**: Yuantong Rental offers short-term rental services, eliminating the need for customers to bear high initial investment costs and allowing flexible adjustment of the rental period based on actual needs, greatly reducing financial risks.

  2. **Professional Technical Support**: We


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